Love, Life and Remedies

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January 18, 2009

Talking About Sex

Posted by BoewatChat

“Because God created you in His image and since He is love and doesn’t make mistakes, then you must be exactly the way He wants you to be…” Ted Schmidt, QaF
I am opposed to opinion that gay is a damaged creation, pointing on inability to pro-create (via natural insemination – off course) as the sign of defect. “Theoretically, gay will disappear from population, because they cannot pass-on their genes to the next generation”, creationist says. The fact is percentage of gay in the community is not decreasing, and safe to say, “It’s constant”.

Thanks to many of you, gays, who were decided to marry (with woman) for any reasons. Or those bi’s who insisted that they are able to (make) love with both man and woman. Although many of those converts are really sucks especially when they start to preach about how successful – how happy, they are in the new life, but can’t be more agree that they are TRULLY our Qmunnity heroes :). They save our genes!!

What about gw? Ehm, gw termasuk gay totok yang secara hormonal memang tidak bisa menyukai perempuan. Duluuu sewaktu masih kuliah, pernah pacaran dengan pere. Flirting – flirting gitu sih tepatnya, wong dia yang lebih aktif dan gw rasa-nya cuma pingin show-off kalo punya pacar. Sampai suatu masa kami berdua agak sedikit kelewatan… Hampir kejadian deh, kalau saja aroma Ms.V sama dengan Mr.P, yang sayangnya (or untungnya) tidak :p

Beneran, gw nggak tahan nyium bau pere: parfum pere dan everything yang berkaitan dengan penciuman. Mau muntah to smell her body scent when she’s aroused. Karena hormone kah?
Juga rasa hangat yang lembut ketika kulit saling bersentuhan, ternyata tidak membangkitkan “sesuatu”. Karena antara brain dan reality nggak nyambung kah?
Bahkan gesekan nipple-nya pun tidak memberikan sensasi seperti Mr.P, yang masih dibungkus jeans sekalipun…

The essence of pro-creation, IMHO, is to transfer our current wisdom to the next generation and let them evolving it. So that we, human, can live a better life and co-exist in harmony with other G’s creations. Who else in this world that has the privilege like parents to their children? This is the essence of sex, which G wants us to be.

OK, my genes have been destined to rot in my getting-older-body. Means that my experience, knowledge and achievement, will not continue to evolve as soon as I died. Therefore, I must find a way to do what (I think) G wants us to do. Sex between gays should be directed to create the bond, which can make them stronger to fulfill their humanitarian duty.

Or, could it be another excuse to find a much younger partner? :p

Hell yeahh, in the meantime sex for me is only a matter of fulfillment of lust. Knowing something doesn't mean that we can do something… Oo G helps!!


Dr Pr said...

Or, could it be another excuse to find a much younger partner? :p

hahahhahaha, yes yes
mungkin aja loh!!!!!

but but but, kan skarang bisa inseminasi buatan bang?
jadi semua keahlian lu, bisa diteruskan ke anak lu, biar lu ga ush kawin juga ma itu pere bang


BoewatChat said...

tanpa developing a real family tentu saja nggak bisa dik... aslinya kan kita niyy di brain wash ama ortu kita, the good and the bad...

and asli, males banget punya pacar yang masih muda:
first, gampang dibohongi
second, gampang mewek
[tape dehh... ]

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